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Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Small Implants

Have you ever thought about getting breast implants? If so, you might be part of a growing trend that’s leaning towards a more natural look. Unlike the past decades where bigger was often seen as better, we’re now witnessing a surge in the popularity of small breast implants.

In this blog, Sydney Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Bish Soliman will explore the reasons behind the rising demand for smaller implants and what it means for those considering breast augmentation.

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Historical Context

Breast augmentation has been a part of cosmetic surgery for more than fifty years. As we look back, it’s clear that trends in breast implant sizes have evolved significantly, reflecting changing societal attitudes and aesthetic preferences.

  • 1960s to 1980s: In the early days of breast implants, the inclination was clearly towards larger sizes. This trend was deeply influenced by the prevailing glamour model stereotype, a cultural phenomenon heavily promoted through media and entertainment. During this era, the ideal of beauty was often associated with voluptuous figures, leading many to seek larger implants in pursuit of this ideal. The cosmetic surgery industry, still in its infancy, primarily catered to this demand, with limited options for those seeking a more understated look.
  • 1990s to Early 2000s: The trend of larger implants continued well into the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Large breast implants were not just popular; they were seen as a definitive symbol of beauty and attractiveness. This was a time when high-profile celebrities and public figures often showcased such enhancements. During this period, the demand for larger implants surged, and the market responded accordingly, with a focus on developing implants that emphasised size.
  • Shift in Preference: However, over the last decade, there’s been a significant shift in this trend. The current preference leans towards smaller, more proportionate breast implants. This change is reflective of a broader societal shift towards embracing natural beauty and individual uniqueness. The modern perception of attractiveness is less about conforming to a one-size-fits-all ideal and more about modifying one’s natural figure in a way that’s both subtle and elegant. This shift is not just about aesthetics; it’s also influenced by a growing awareness of the health implications of larger implants.

Reasons for the Rise in Popularity of Small Breast Implants

What’s driving this change towards smaller implants? Several factors are at play:

  • Lifestyle Choices: We’re seeing a shift towards more active lifestyles. Smaller implants are more compatible with activities like running, yoga, and other sports, offering comfort and ease of movement.
  • Health Awareness: There’s now a greater awareness of the potential health issues associated with larger implants. People are more informed and therefore more cautious about their choices.

Comparing Small vs. Large Implants

When considering breast augmentation, one of the decisions is the size of the implants. Both small and large implants have their unique advantages and considerations. Understanding the differences can help you make a choice that aligns with your personal goals and lifestyle.

·       Aesthetic Appeal

When considering the aesthetic appeal of breast implants, small implants are often favoured for their ability to offer a more natural and subtle change. They tend to provide a look that’s not just about increasing size but about altering one’s natural figure in a proportionate and understated manner.

In contrast, large implants are typically chosen for their dramatic effect. They are designed to provide a more noticeable change, often favoured by those seeking a more voluptuous look. Large implants make a bolder statement and are more likely to be perceptible as implants, particularly on a smaller frame.

·       Comfort and Lifestyle

Small breast implants are often appreciated for their comfort and compatibility with an active lifestyle. Generally, these implants are easier to manage and more comfortable, particularly for individuals who engage in regular physical activity or sports. Their smaller size and lighter weight mean they are less likely to interfere with movement or cause discomfort during high-impact activities. Additionally, small implants carry a lower risk of causing back and neck pain, a concern often associated with very large implants.

On the other hand, large breast implants require careful consideration regarding their weight and the potential impact on lifestyle. Due to their larger size, they can be heavier, which may lead to discomfort or strain during physical activities. This added weight can be a significant factor for individuals who are active or participate in sports, potentially requiring adjustments in how they engage in these activities.

·       Health and Safety

When it comes to the health and safety aspects of breast implants, small implants are generally associated with a lower risk of complications. This is a significant consideration for many individuals. Smaller implants are less likely to lead to issues like skin stretching or ptosis (sagging) over time, primarily due to their lighter weight and smaller size.

In contrast, large breast implants come with a higher risk of certain complications. Due to their size and weight, there is an increased likelihood of issues such as rippling, capsular contracture (where the scar tissue around the implant tightens and distorts the shape), or implant displacement.

·       Long-Term Considerations

In terms of long-term considerations, small breast implants offer certain advantages. One of the notable benefits is how they interact with the natural processes of ageing and gravity. Small implants tend to maintain their position and shape better over time, which is a crucial consideration for those looking for a lasting solution with minimal maintenance.

On the other hand, large breast implants present different challenges over time. Due to their size and weight, they are more susceptible to the effects of ageing and gravity. This can lead to changes in the appearance of the breasts, such as sagging, which might not align with the original aesthetic goals of the augmentation.

What is the Smallest Breast Implant Size?

While much attention is given to larger implants, understanding the smallest available sizes is crucial for those seeking a subtle enhancement.

Breast implant sizes are not measured in cup sizes as bras are. Instead, they are measured in cubic centimetres (cc), reflecting the volume of the implant. The size range typically starts from around 100 cc and can go up to 1000 cc or more.

The smallest breast implants available generally start at around 100 cc. These implants offer a very subtle increase in breast size, which is often suitable for those who desire just a slight enhancement or who wish to balance asymmetry between breasts.

Who Chooses the Smallest Implants?

  • For Subtle Change: Some individuals prefer a very natural look and opt for the smallest implant size to achieve a modest increase in breast volume.
  • To Correct Asymmetry: In cases where one breast is slightly smaller than the other, a small implant can be used to achieve symmetry.
  • Active Lifestyle Considerations: Those with very active lifestyles might choose smaller implants for comfort and ease of movement during physical activities.

Considerations for Choosing Small Implants

  • Body Proportion: It’s essential to consider how the implants will look in proportion to your overall body frame. What looks natural and balanced is highly individualised.
  • Surgeon’s Advice: Consulting with Dr Bish is crucial. He can provide valuable insight into how different implant sizes will look and feel, considering your unique body type and aesthetic goals.
  • Expectation Management: It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results. Small implants will provide a subtle change, so understanding that and being comfortable with the potential outcome is key.

Small Breast Augmentation Options

For individuals seeking a modest increase in breast size or a more natural look, small breast augmentation offers several options. Understanding these choices helps in making an informed decision that aligns with personal aesthetic goals and lifestyle.

Types of Small Breast Implants

  • Saline Implants: Saline implants are known for their versatility and safety. These implants can be filled with a smaller volume of saline solution, allowing for sizes as minimal as 100 cc. This makes them a perfect choice for those seeking a very subtle adjustment. One of the key advantages of saline implants is their adjustability. During surgery, Dr Bish Soliman can fine-tune the volume of saline, allowing for precise sizing to achieve the desired look. In terms of safety, saline implants have a notable profile. If they happen to rupture, the body can safely absorb the saline, reducing health risks associated with the leakage.
  • Silicone Implants: Silicone implants are highly favoured for their natural feel, which is a significant consideration for many opting for smaller enhancements. Even at smaller sizes, these implants mimic the feel of natural breast tissue closely. They are available in a range of sizes, catering to those who prefer a subtle modification. Additionally, silicone implants are advantageous because they maintain their shape consistently and are less prone to rippling, a common concern with some types of implants. This feature makes them a reliable option for those seeking a long-lasting, natural appearance.
  • Structured Saline Implants: Structured saline implants represent a blend of the features of both saline and silicone implants. They offer the natural feel of silicone while retaining the safety profile of saline. This type of implant is particularly good for those seeking subtle change but prefer a more natural look and feel than traditional saline implants typically provide. Their structured design allows them to emulate the consistency of natural tissue, making them an attractive option for those who prioritise a natural appearance along with safety.

FAQs about Breast Augmentation with Small Breast Implants

Why has there been an increase in the popularity of small breast implants recently?

  • The trend towards small breast implants reflects a broader societal shift towards valuing authenticity and individual comfort. This change is influenced by a growing preference for a more natural aesthetic in beauty and fashion, as well as an increased focus on personal well-being and body positivity.

Are small breast implants more affordable than larger ones?

  • Generally, the cost of breast implants is not significantly influenced by size. Factors that more directly impact cost include the type of implant, your plastic surgeon’s expertise, the facility costs, and geographical location.

Can small breast implants help in correcting post-pregnancy breast changes?

  • Yes, small breast implants may be an option for women looking to restore breast volume or shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is the recovery time shorter for small breast implants compared to larger ones?

  • Recovery time can be slightly shorter for small implants, as the surgery may involve less dissection. However, recovery varies significantly depending on individual factors and surgical techniques.

Do small breast implants have a lower risk of being rejected by the body?

  • The risk of rejection or complications is not necessarily related to the size of the implant but rather to individual health factors and the quality of the surgical procedure.

Can small breast implants still achieve a noticeable enhancement if desired?

  • Yes, small implants can provide a noticeable difference, especially if chosen in proportion to the individual’s body frame and existing breast tissue. The key is to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing result that meets personal expectations.

Further Reading about Breast Implants Surgery with Dr Bish Soliman

Medical References about Small Breast Implants

About Dr Bish Soliman

Dr Bish Soliman - Sydney Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, about us 01 2x
Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon
FRACS (Plas), MS (Plas), MBBS (Hons 1), BCom

AHPRA Registered Medical Practitioner MED 0001679053 Specialist Registration in Plastic Surgery

Dr Bish Soliman is a Sydney-based Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who performs aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body as well as skin cancer surgery.

He currently holds two consultant microsurgery positions in major Sydney hospitals performing complex microsurgical reconstruction including DIEP breast reconstruction.

After graduating from The King’s School, Dr Bish completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Sydney. After working briefly at a major Sydney finance firm, he decided to pursue his passion and long-term goal of a career in medicine. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame at the top of his class, receiving First class honours and the prestigious Bower and Sherrard medal. He then went on to complete his junior medical training at Westmead Hospital during which time he was awarded Junior Medical Officer (JMO) of the Year, as well as a finalist for NSW Doctor of the Year.


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Do your Research

  • All Surgery has risks and potential complications. Please read the risks and complications page
  • Visit our procedure pages and Blogs to learn more about your intended procedure

Making The Most Of Your Consultation

  • Please arrive slightly early for your in-person consultation with Dr Bish
  • Take notes during the consultation and review all the documents provided
  • You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to help consider your options
  • You may need to undress for a physical exam so wear comfortable clothes

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

  • Call us to find out more about surgery pricing and how you can pay for your surgery
  • Request more information about your procedure – call or contact us.

How to Book Your Consultation

  • A GP Medical Referral is now essential to see Dr Bish Soliman for any type of surgery.
  • You can book your consultation with Dr Bish Soliman by paying the consultation fee in advance – when you make your appointment.

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